Guidelines for the fully virtual CI experience this 2020.

All campers, leaders, and guests must abide by these guidelines throughout their entire participation in virtual CI. These minimum expectations must be followed in order to maintain the safest, most appropriate space for all. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!

(Guidelines adapted from Virtual Asian Camp 2020)


  • Be fully present during virtual CI sessions. Do not try to multitask or do anything else while you are at camp.
  • Do not participate in virtual sessions while driving.
  • Always use your full name on your screen.
  • Make sure your video is well lit.
  • Please keep your camera on at all times (as much as possible).
  • Try to minimize any background noises — mute your microphone during all large group gatherings and in small groups whenever you are not the one speaking (unless instructed otherwise).
  • Use headphones for better audio quality.
  • Be mindful of what is in your background.
  • Wear appropriate clothing at all times.
  • Do not share your screen (unless instructed otherwise).
  • Side chatting will not be allowed.
  • Use the “raise hand” feature when applicable.
  • Confidentiality: “What’s said here stays here. What’s learned here leaves here.”


  • Designate a place where you will "do CI" every morning, afternoon, and evening virtual session.
    • This might be a table or desk in your room or a place in your living space where you will be undisturbed.
    • We recommend that this place not be on your bed — try to separate your sleep space from your CI space.
  • Make sure your area is clear of any distractions or other work that could take you away from camp (for example: books, game devices, homework, etc.)
  • Check your lighting.
    • We want to be able to see each other!
    • If your space is not well lit, move a lamp to your surrounding space or table.
  • Keep water to drink beside you so you don't have to leave and miss out on important info or fun!
  • Keep a "prayer totem" by your side.
    • This can be a rock, crystal, leaf, etc. or something you draw spiritual energy from, especially when you start to lose focus.
    • You can also use this totem as a reminder of God's love and presence, and know that God is right beside you during CI.
  • Add CI memorabilia to your space for aesthetic flair and to bring back wonderful memories.


  • Equipment: Laptop/desktop computer is preferred, but you may use your phone or tablet if necessary (and as instructed by CI leaders).
  • Make sure your internet is working.
  • Test your microphone and speakers to ensure they are working.
  • Have access to a power source (so your device doesn’t run out of battery).
  • Coordinate with other members of your household/space so you won’t be disturbed during virtual CI sessions.