cov⋅e⋅nant/ kʌvənənt / [kuhv-uh-nuhnt]
a. the conditional promises made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture.
b. the agreement between God and the ancient Israelites, in which God promised to protect them if they kept His law and were faithful to Him.
Origin: 1250–1300; ME < AF, OF, n. use of prp. of covenir < L convenīre to come together, agree; see
Taken from Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)

The following text is read and signed each year
by the CI-PNW Leadership Team:

As a community of faith, we are called to lead and encourage our younger ones to a more mature and active understanding of Jesus Christ and their roles within the Church, which is Christ’s body. To do so, we must constantly examine our own behaviors, words, attitudes, and activities as a demonstration of our faith. Below is a covenant agreement to be made with one another as co-leaders of the PNW Christmas Institute, and with Christ our Savior, that we may be accountable for ourselves, to each other, and to our Creator.

As a member of the Leadership Team of the Pacific Northwest Christmas Institute, I hereby covenant to set a good example to my co-leaders and to the youth and young adults attending Christmas Institute.  As a steward of Christ, I will faithfully carry out my duties and responsibilities at camp, with the confidence that all of the work we do is done for the glory of God.

From the planning stages of camp, to the closing service at CI, and throughout my connection with my community of faith beyond the camp itself, I will prayerfully and thoughtfully present myself to be a vessel for the work of Christ. I, along with my fellow beloved in Christ, will do all that is required of me to provide the youth and young adults of camp a nurturing, loving, and exciting environment wherein their faith, and my own, can grow in the knowledge of Christ.

I make this covenant with my co-leaders, pastors, and with God.